THE NEW SOFA (possibly)

We may or may not be about to go and shop for a new sofa! For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you will probably know what I am talking about when I say HALLELUJAH! For those of you who haven’t, I advise you to search for the sofa tag. Our current one is essentially a bench and also and armchair, really, so having one with new sofa cushions and that new sofa smell (we have been into a lot of sofa shops, trust me, but the price tags tore us away) and actually being comfortable is very exciting! We probably won’t, though. Don’t hold your breath.

New Shoes

It is always exciting to discover shoes that actually fit on your feet, let alone being able to walk in them, so when I found two pairs it was quite an achievement. Of course, because it is such a rarity to find functioning footwear, my brain was scrutinizing everything that could possibly be wrong with them and when my sock slipped ever so slightly I immediately thought ‘it was too good to be true’ but no, they were still OK. I don’t know if they have this in any other countries, but in English stores they usually tie the shoes together with bits of elastic – this could be one of two things:

1) they could trust us so little they think we will steal one shoe and leave it’s pair.

2) They want us to blame any discomforts on the fact we have to waddle round the shop trying not to fall over so it’s only when we’ve bought them and go them home we see they are uncomfortable.

My mother just untied them because I am too afraid of being arrested etc to do so, but oh my goodness are they comfortable. I am dreading when I actually have to wear them outside because then I won’t be able to wear them indoors.

Oh, and update on the sofa: we would get one, but the bureau that sits at the end of it would have nowhere to go if we got a bigger one. Oh, dear Lord.

The Sofa (continued…)

As I sit on my sofa writing this I am very aware I am essentially sitting on a white-fabric covered bench. Like, there is a plank of wood underneath the cushions that is definitely still there as I listen to the sounds of someone playing ‘jingle bells’ on the piano in the room next door because it is the term before Christmas and we may as well start with the ear-worms early. Oh dear lord now it is ‘we three kings’ on recorder…

The Sofa

Our sofa is tiny. Let’s start with that. Ancient and falling apart, my mum insists on keeping coloured blankets on the arms to hide the massive tears in the cover. It is white (always a mistake in our house) which shows up the crumbs and stains beautifully and is so uncomfortable it might be better to sleep in a tree. Seriously.